Julio Ferrero


Hi! Im Julio

A front-end developer from Barcelona with expertise in React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Currently exploring Next.js while working with WordPress and PHP at IATI Travel Insurance.

Julio FerreroJulio Ferrero

Passionate About Collaboration

I thrive in team environments, enjoying collaboration and knowledge-sharing to enhance my skills and contribute effectively to projects.

Periplo UI

Periplo UI is a TypeScript library built with React and shadcn-ui modified components, providing reusable and accessible UI components for building IATI compliant applications.

Periplo LogoPeriplo Logo

IATI dev-projects

Creating and maintaining tools and websites within IATI travel insurance with my coworker. If there's something weird with the website, and it don't look good, Who you gonna call? (not me please).

Boris the cat

The best debugger, knows all the company's secrets and loves chicken.

Boris the catBoris the cat

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